Chapter 5 Day 2 - Section 5 : MSstatsTMT, summarization, normalization and significance analysis

5.1 Objective

  • Channel-level summarization and normalization between runs

  • Significance analysis for MS proteomics based peak intensities data

5.2 Data

  • The pre-processed data input.pd.rda from section 4.

5.3 Process with processed PD data

Let’s start processing steps. It includes log transformation of intensities, channel-level summarization and normalization between MS runs.

Load MSstatsTMT first. Then we are ready to start MSstatsTMT.

## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
##   method         from 
##   [.quosures     rlang
##   c.quosures     rlang
##   print.quosures rlang

5.3.1 Load the pre-processed data of PD output


5.3.2 Normalizing and summarizing data with proteinSummarization

! Always pay attention to the default options

After reading the datasets, MSstatsTMT performs

    1. logarithm transformation of Intensity column
    1. channel-level summarization
    1. run-to-run normalization for each protein based on reference channel

To get started with this function, visit the help section of proteinSummarization first:

?proteinSummarization Default summarization and normalization options

proteinSummarization perform first (1) channel level summarization will be performed, which is robust parameter estimation by TMP (Tukey’s median polish).

Then, (2) normalization between MS runs. TRUE(default) needs at least one normalization channel in each MS run, annotated by ‘Norm’ in Condition column. If there are multiple normalization channels, all the normalization channels are averaged for the normalization. FALSE will not perform normalization step.

Below show the default for all options in proteinSummarization

quant.pd <- proteinSummarization(data = input.pd, 
                             method = "msstats", 
                             normalization = TRUE)
save(quant.pd, file='data/data_ProteomeDiscoverer_TMT/quant.pd.rda')

Let’s check output from proteinSummarization.

# This table includes normalized channel-level log2 intensities. (column : Abundance)
# Now one summarized log2 intensities per Protein, Run, Channel.
##                                             Run Protein Abundance Channel
## 1: 161117_SILAC_HeLa_UPS1_TMT10_Mixture1_01.raw  A1L0T0  12.26466    127C
## 2: 161117_SILAC_HeLa_UPS1_TMT10_Mixture1_01.raw  A1L0T0  12.20385    129N
## 3: 161117_SILAC_HeLa_UPS1_TMT10_Mixture1_01.raw  A1L0T0  12.47977    128N
## 4: 161117_SILAC_HeLa_UPS1_TMT10_Mixture1_01.raw  A1L0T0  12.25433    129C
## 5: 161117_SILAC_HeLa_UPS1_TMT10_Mixture1_01.raw  A1L0T0  12.05181    127N
## 6: 161117_SILAC_HeLa_UPS1_TMT10_Mixture1_01.raw  A1L0T0  12.11299    130C
##      BioReplicate Condition TechRepMixture  Mixture
## 1: Mixture1_0.125     0.125              1 Mixture1
## 2: Mixture1_0.125     0.125              1 Mixture1
## 3:   Mixture1_0.5       0.5              1 Mixture1
## 4:   Mixture1_0.5       0.5              1 Mixture1
## 5: Mixture1_0.667     0.667              1 Mixture1
## 6: Mixture1_0.667     0.667              1 Mixture1

5.3.3 Visualization of processed data Profile plots

Profile plot is good visualization to check individual measurements. Each dot means one intensity per Run per Channel. Each panel represents one MS run and each dot within one panel is one channel within one Run. The dots are linked with line per feature. If line is disconnected, that means there is no value (missing value). Color means different peptides and charge stages.

# if you have many MS runs, adjust width of plot (make wider)
# Profile plot for the normalized data 
dataProcessPlotsTMT(data.psm=input.pd, # PSM-level data
                     data.summarization=quant.pd, # protein-level data
                     type='ProfilePlot', # choice of visualization
                     width = 15,
                     height = 5,

pd_norm_ProfilePlot.pdf and pd_norm_ProfilePlot_wSummarization.pdf are generated in the current directory.

Then, Let’s go though profile plots to see overall quality of data.

There are two pdfs for each protein, first is profile plot and second plot is profile plot with summarized and normalized data. This profile plot shows each peptide ions across runs and channels, grouped per condition. Each peptide has a different colour/type layout.

This plot shows the same peptide ions in grey, with the values as summarized by the model overlayed in red.

Instead of making all profile plots for all proteins, we can make plot for individual protein. Here is the example of background protein, P35221

dataProcessPlotsTMT(data.psm=input.pd, # PSM-level data
                     data.summarization=quant.pd, # protein-level data
                     type='ProfilePlot', # choice of visualization
                     width = 15,
                     height = 5,
                     which.Protein = 'P35221',
                     address="data/data_ProteomeDiscoverer_TMT/pd_norm_P35221_") Quality control plots

QC plot is good to see the distribution of peptide intensities per MS run and channels, and outliers.

# QC plot for peptide intensity data
dataProcessPlotsTMT(data.psm=input.pd, # PSM-level data
                     data.summarization=quant.pd, # protein-level data
                     type='QCPlot', # choice of visualization
                     width = 15,
                     height = 5,

Then, pd_QCPlot.pdf are generated in the current directory.


This is the study design. Let’s check visualization for other 3 proteins. 1. P02788ups 2. P02787ups 3. P26639

5.3.4 Different parameter options for summarization and normalization No normalization

No normalization is performed. If you don’t want to do run-to-run normalization, you should use like below.

quant.pd.nonorm <-proteinSummarization(data = input.pd, 
                             method = "msstats", 
                             normalization = FALSE)

dataProcessPlotsTMT(data.psm = input.pd, # PSM-level data
                     data.summarization = quant.pd.nonorm, # protein-level data
                     type = 'ProfilePlot', # choice of visualization
                     width = 15,
                     height = 5,
                    originalPlot = FALSE,
                     which.Protein = 'P35221',
                     address="data/data_ProteomeDiscoverer_TMT/pd_noNorm_P35221_") Different summarization option

MSstatsTMT provides five different summarization methods for protein quantification. msstats is default, which we have used before. Now let’s try another robust summarization method Median.

quant.pd.median <-proteinSummarization(data = input.pd, 
                             method = "Median", 
                             normalization = TRUE)

Run summarization is different.

dataProcessPlotsTMT(data.psm=input.pd, # PSM-level data
                     data.summarization=quant.pd.median, # protein-level data
                     type='ProfilePlot', # choice of visualization
                     width = 15,
                     height = 5,
                    originalPlot = FALSE,
                     which.Protein = 'P35221',

5.3.5 Finding differentially abundant proteins across conditions Assign contrast matrix

After we summarized each protein’s behavior across conditions and normalized the data between runs in proteinSummarization step, we are all set to compare protein changes between groups of conditions. Within MSstatsTMT we can do this with the groupComparisonTMT function, which takes as input the output of the proteinSummarization function.


We have to tell groupComparisonTMT which are the conditions we would like to compare. You can make your contrast.matrix in R in a text editor. We define our contrast matrix by adding a column for every condition. We add a row for every comparison we would like to make between groups of conditions.

0 is for conditions we would like to ignore. 1 is for conditions we would like to put in the numerator of the ratio or fold-change. -1 is for conditions we would like to put in the denumerator of the ratio or fold-change.

If you have multiple groups, you can assign any group comparisons you are interested in.

# check unique conditions and check order of condition information
# In this case, four different concentrations
## [1] 0.125 0.5   0.667 1     Norm 
## Levels: 0.125 0.5 0.667 1 Norm
# 'Norm' will be removed during tesing and should be not considered in the contrast
comparison1<-matrix(c(-1,0,0,1),nrow=1) # 0.5-0.125
comparison2<-matrix(c(0,-1,1,0),nrow=1) # 0.667-0.5
comparison<-rbind(comparison1, comparison2)
# Set the column names
colnames(comparison)<- c("0.125", "0.5", "0.667", "1")
# Set the names of each row

##           0.125 0.5 0.667 1
## 1-0.125      -1   0     0 1
## 0.667-0.5     0  -1     1 0


Make the matrix, named comparison, for all 6 paired comparision among 4 conditions (condition1, condition2, condition3, condition4)

## [1] 0.125 0.5   0.667 1     Norm 
## Levels: 0.125 0.5 0.667 1 Norm
comparison_all<-rbind(comparison1, comparison2, comparison3, comparison4, comparison5, comparison6)
# Set the column names
colnames(comparison_all)<- c("0.125", "0.5", "0.667", "1")
# Set the names of each row
##             0.125 0.5 0.667 1
## 0.5-0.125      -1   1     0 0
## 0.667-0.125    -1   0     1 0
## 1-0.125        -1   0     0 1
## 0.667-0.5       0  -1     1 0
## 1-0.5           0  -1     0 1
## 1-0.667         0   0    -1 1 Group comparisons with groupComparisonTMT

groupComparisonTMT uses the channel-level summarized data for hypothesis testing.

test.pd <- groupComparisonTMT(data = quant.pd, 
                               contrast.matrix = comparison,
                               remove_norm_channel = TRUE, # remove norm channels
                               moderated = TRUE, # do moderated t test
                               adj.method = "BH") # multiple comparison adjustment

Let’s check the output.

## [1] "Protein"    "Label"      "log2FC"     "SE"         "DF"        
## [6] "pvalue"     "adj.pvalue"
# Show test result
# Label : which comparison is used
# log2FC : estimated log2 fold change between two conditions (the contrast)
# adj.pvalue : adjusted p value
##   Protein     Label      log2FC         SE       DF     pvalue adj.pvalue
## 1  A1L0T0   1-0.125  0.07999809 0.04407490 105.9517 0.07234539  0.2127806
## 2  A1L0T0 0.667-0.5 -0.04897305 0.04407490 105.9517 0.26902646  0.4352093
## 3  O00625   1-0.125  0.02751219 0.01930260 105.9517 0.15700684  0.3568337
## 4  O00625 0.667-0.5 -0.02494449 0.01930260 105.9517 0.19906924  0.3981385
## 5  O60427   1-0.125  0.04234680 0.02688754 105.9517 0.11824700  0.3284639
## 6  O60427 0.667-0.5  0.01193862 0.02688754 105.9517 0.65793338  0.8023578 Save the comparison result

Let’s save the testing result as .csv file.

save(test.pd, file='data/data_ProteomeDiscoverer_TMT/pd.result.rda')
write.csv(test.pd, file='data/data_ProteomeDiscoverer_TMT/testResult_pd.csv') Significant tests

Let’s inspect the results to see what proteins are changing significantly between two concentrations.

##   Protein     Label      log2FC         SE       DF     pvalue adj.pvalue
## 1  A1L0T0   1-0.125  0.07999809 0.04407490 105.9517 0.07234539  0.2127806
## 2  A1L0T0 0.667-0.5 -0.04897305 0.04407490 105.9517 0.26902646  0.4352093
## 3  O00625   1-0.125  0.02751219 0.01930260 105.9517 0.15700684  0.3568337
## 4  O00625 0.667-0.5 -0.02494449 0.01930260 105.9517 0.19906924  0.3981385
## 5  O60427   1-0.125  0.04234680 0.02688754 105.9517 0.11824700  0.3284639
## 6  O60427 0.667-0.5  0.01193862 0.02688754 105.9517 0.65793338  0.8023578
# select subset of rows with adj.pvalue < 0.05
SignificantProteins <- 
  test.pd[test.pd$adj.pvalue <= 0.05 ,]

##        Protein     Label    log2FC         SE        DF       pvalue
## 7    P00915ups   1-0.125 1.9194954 0.05722839  84.95168 8.945464e-51
## 8    P00915ups 0.667-0.5 0.2749177 0.05722839  84.95168 6.627634e-06
## 9    P01008ups   1-0.125 2.1144893 0.06806652  84.95168 3.713705e-48
## 10   P01008ups 0.667-0.5 0.2896649 0.06806652  84.95168 5.344220e-05
## 11   P01031ups   1-0.125 1.8041566 0.11087020  68.95168 2.618058e-25
## 12   P01031ups 0.667-0.5 0.4107830 0.10542938  68.95168 2.234092e-04
## 13   P01344ups   1-0.125 2.0688076 0.06904749  91.95168 3.130553e-49
## 14   P01344ups 0.667-0.5 0.3713574 0.06904749  91.95168 5.682775e-07
## 15   P01375ups   1-0.125 2.5243218 0.08825488  77.95168 4.360217e-43
## 16   P01375ups 0.667-0.5 0.3386098 0.08825488  77.95168 2.517549e-04
## 17   P01579ups   1-0.125 1.6369755 0.09944662  77.95168 4.355455e-27
## 19   P02741ups   1-0.125 1.8161644 0.06738557  77.95168 2.947523e-41
## 20   P02741ups 0.667-0.5 0.3161686 0.06738557  77.95168 1.135753e-05
## 21   P02753ups   1-0.125 1.5937054 0.08948401  77.95168 3.355143e-29
## 22   P02753ups 0.667-0.5 0.2909960 0.08948401  77.95168 1.694685e-03
## 23   P02787ups   1-0.125 2.0540332 0.03904033 105.95168 9.144927e-78
## 24   P02787ups 0.667-0.5 0.2987191 0.03904033 105.95168 9.649755e-12
## 25   P02788ups   1-0.125 1.8663815 0.03138725  98.95168 2.995382e-79
## 26   P02788ups 0.667-0.5 0.2883261 0.03138725  98.95168 6.544522e-15
## 29   P05413ups   1-0.125 2.0644363 0.08101181 105.95168 5.372994e-47
## 30   P05413ups 0.667-0.5 0.2541415 0.08101181 105.95168 2.209538e-03
## 33 P10636-8ups   1-0.125 2.4076666 0.09799311 103.95168 4.284414e-45
## 34 P10636-8ups 0.667-0.5 0.4545902 0.09628875 103.95168 7.354719e-06
## 45   P62988ups   1-0.125 0.3426051 0.03193782 105.95168 1.286571e-18
## 49   P68871ups   1-0.125 2.4318364 0.06435396 104.95168 6.249411e-63
## 50   P68871ups 0.667-0.5 0.2824179 0.06380626 104.95168 2.355015e-05
## 97   P02144ups   1-0.125 2.0888596 0.06699695  70.95168 3.779206e-43
## 98   P02144ups 0.667-0.5 0.2559477 0.06699695  70.95168 2.828965e-04
##      adj.pvalue
## 7  1.118183e-49
## 8  7.354719e-05
## 9  3.094754e-47
## 10 3.340138e-04
## 11 9.350206e-25
## 12 1.241162e-03
## 13 3.130553e-48
## 14 9.471292e-06
## 15 2.180109e-42
## 16 1.258775e-03
## 17 1.675175e-26
## 19 1.339783e-40
## 20 9.464611e-05
## 21 1.397976e-28
## 22 7.061187e-03
## 23 2.286232e-76
## 24 2.412439e-10
## 25 1.497691e-77
## 26 3.272261e-13
## 29 3.837853e-46
## 30 8.498222e-03
## 33 2.677759e-44
## 34 7.354719e-05
## 45 4.288570e-18
## 49 1.041569e-61
## 50 1.682154e-04
## 97 2.099559e-42
## 98 1.285893e-03
## [1] 28
# select subset of rows with adj.pvalue < 0.05 and absoluate log2FC > 1
SignificantProteinsLargeFC <- SignificantProteins[abs(SignificantProteins$log2FC) > 1 ,]
##        Protein   Label   log2FC         SE        DF       pvalue
## 7    P00915ups 1-0.125 1.919495 0.05722839  84.95168 8.945464e-51
## 9    P01008ups 1-0.125 2.114489 0.06806652  84.95168 3.713705e-48
## 11   P01031ups 1-0.125 1.804157 0.11087020  68.95168 2.618058e-25
## 13   P01344ups 1-0.125 2.068808 0.06904749  91.95168 3.130553e-49
## 15   P01375ups 1-0.125 2.524322 0.08825488  77.95168 4.360217e-43
## 17   P01579ups 1-0.125 1.636975 0.09944662  77.95168 4.355455e-27
## 19   P02741ups 1-0.125 1.816164 0.06738557  77.95168 2.947523e-41
## 21   P02753ups 1-0.125 1.593705 0.08948401  77.95168 3.355143e-29
## 23   P02787ups 1-0.125 2.054033 0.03904033 105.95168 9.144927e-78
## 25   P02788ups 1-0.125 1.866381 0.03138725  98.95168 2.995382e-79
## 29   P05413ups 1-0.125 2.064436 0.08101181 105.95168 5.372994e-47
## 33 P10636-8ups 1-0.125 2.407667 0.09799311 103.95168 4.284414e-45
## 49   P68871ups 1-0.125 2.431836 0.06435396 104.95168 6.249411e-63
## 97   P02144ups 1-0.125 2.088860 0.06699695  70.95168 3.779206e-43
##      adj.pvalue
## 7  1.118183e-49
## 9  3.094754e-47
## 11 9.350206e-25
## 13 3.130553e-48
## 15 2.180109e-42
## 17 1.675175e-26
## 19 1.339783e-40
## 21 1.397976e-28
## 23 2.286232e-76
## 25 1.497691e-77
## 29 3.837853e-46
## 33 2.677759e-44
## 49 1.041569e-61
## 97 2.099559e-42 Different parameter options for group comparison

If you want to make all the pairwise comparison,MSstatsTMT has an easy option for it. Setting contrast.matrix = pairwise compares all the possible pairs between two conditions.

test.pd.pairwise <- groupComparisonTMT(data = quant.pd, 
                               contrast.matrix = "pairwise",
                               remove_norm_channel = TRUE, # remove norm channels
                               moderated = TRUE, # do moderated t test
                               adj.method = "BH") # multiple comparison adjustment

# show the comparisons
## [1] "0.125-0.5"   "0.125-0.667" "0.125-1"     "0.5-0.667"   "0.5-1"      
## [6] "0.667-1"

5.3.6 msstatstmt.log and sessionInfo.txt

These two files are important to keep the records of package versions and options in functions.


  1. Try proteinSummarization with msstats summarization and between-runs normalization for MaxQuant output. (input.maxquant.rda from section 4)
quant.maxquant <-proteinSummarization(data = input.maxquant, 
                             method = "msstats", 
                             normalization = TRUE)
  1. Try proteinSummarization with msstats summarization and without normalization for MaxQuant output. (input.maxquant.rda from section 4)
quant.maxquant.nonorm <-proteinSummarization(data = input.maxquant, 
                             method = "msstats", 
                             normalization = FALSE)
  1. Draw Profile plots of protein P26639, for both cases above and compare.
dataProcessPlotsTMT(data.psm=input.maxquant, # PSM-level data
                     data.summarization=quant.maxquant, # protein-level data
                     type='ProfilePlot', # choice of visualization
                     width = 15,
                     height = 5,
                     which.Protein = 'P26639',
dataProcessPlotsTMT(data.psm=input.maxquant, # PSM-level data
                     data.summarization=quant.maxquant.nonorm, # protein-level data
                     type='ProfilePlot', # choice of visualization
                     width = 15,
                     height = 5,
                     originalPlot = FALSE,
                     which.Protein = 'P26639',
  1. From quant.maxquant data, find the differentially abundant comparisons using groupComparison with the same comparison matrix.
test.maxquant <- groupComparisonTMT(data = quant.maxquant, contrast.matrix = comparison)
write.csv(test.maxquant, file='data/data_MaxQuant_TMT/testResult_maxquant.csv')