Chapter 1 Day 1 - Section 1 : MSstats, introduction to data and preprocessing

1.1 Objective

  • Preprocessing steps to make required input format for MSstats from output from diverse output of spectral processing tools.
  • Make annotation file, based on experimental design.

1.2 Workflow in MSstats

1.3 Data

  • the quantified peak intensities data from ABRF 2015, processed by Skyline.
Summary of the ABRF 2015 study design, Choi, et al. J Proteome Res. 2017

Summary of the ABRF 2015 study design, Choi, et al. J Proteome Res. 2017

1.4 Load MSstats

Load MSstats first. Then you are ready to start MSstats.

## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
##   method         from 
##   [.quosures     rlang
##   c.quosures     rlang
##   print.quosures rlang

1.5 Allowable data formats

MSstats performs statistical analysis steps, that follow peak identification and quantitation. Therefore, input to MSstats is the output of other software tools (such as Skyline, MaxQuant and so on) that read raw spectral files , identify and quantify spectral peaks. The preferred structure of data for use in MSstats is a .csv file in a long format with at least 10 columns representing the following variables: ProteinName, PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge, FragmentIon, ProductCharge, IsotopeLabelType, Condition, BioReplicate, Run, Intensity. The variable names are fixed, but are case-insensitive.

##   ProteinName PeptideSequence PrecursorCharge FragmentIon ProductCharge
## 1      bovine     S.PVDIDTK_5               5          NA            NA
## 2      bovine     S.PVDIDTK_5               5          NA            NA
## 3      bovine     S.PVDIDTK_5               5          NA            NA
## 4      bovine     S.PVDIDTK_5               5          NA            NA
## 5      bovine     S.PVDIDTK_5               5          NA            NA
## 6      bovine     S.PVDIDTK_5               5          NA            NA
##   IsotopeLabelType Condition BioReplicate Run Intensity
## 1                L        C1            1   1   2636792
## 2                L        C1            1   2   1992418
## 3                L        C1            1   3   1982146
## 4                L        C2            1   4   5019594
## 5                L        C2            1   5   4560468
## 6                L        C2            1   6   3627849

1.6 Convert to MSstats required format (Data cleaning)

Let’s start preprocessing steps to make required input format for MSstats from output from diverse output of spectral processing tools.

  • Data input support for various data acquisition methods : DDA, DIA, SRM

  • Interoperability with existing computational tools : - Converter functions for 7 data processin tools : SkylinetoMSstatsFormat, MaxQtoMSstatsFormat, OpenMStoMSstatsFormat, ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat, PDtoMSstatsFormat, SpectronauttoMSstatsFormat, OpenSWATHtoMSstatsFormat, DIAUmpiretoMSstatsFormat - Consistent data cleaning steps across converter functions : filter multiple measurements, shared peptides, etc. - Generate the same format of data from diverse type of data format.

1.6.1 Skyline output Read data

The required input data is generated automatically when using MSstats report format in Skyline. We first load and access the dataset processed by Skyline. The name of saved file from Skyline using MSstats report format is ‘ABRF2015_Skyline_report.csv’. or you can use the published data from this link ( This example dataset is the exactly same data in ‘iPRG_10ppm_2rt_15cut_nosingle.csv’ from the link above.

# Read output from skyline 
raw.skyline <- read.csv(file="data/data_Skyline/ABRF2015_Skyline_report.csv")
# Check the first 6 rows of dataset
##                   ProteinName PeptideSequence PeptideModifiedSequence
## 1 DECOY_sp|P0CF18|YM085_YEAST      KDMYGNPFQK         KDM[+16]YGNPFQK
## 2 DECOY_sp|P0CF18|YM085_YEAST      KDMYGNPFQK         KDM[+16]YGNPFQK
## 3 DECOY_sp|P0CF18|YM085_YEAST      KDMYGNPFQK         KDM[+16]YGNPFQK
## 4 DECOY_sp|P0CF18|YM085_YEAST      KDMYGNPFQK         KDM[+16]YGNPFQK
## 5 DECOY_sp|P0CF18|YM085_YEAST      KDMYGNPFQK         KDM[+16]YGNPFQK
## 6 DECOY_sp|P0CF18|YM085_YEAST      KDMYGNPFQK         KDM[+16]YGNPFQK
##   PrecursorCharge PrecursorMz FragmentIon ProductCharge ProductMz
## 1               3    415.1974   precursor             3  415.1974
## 2               3    415.1974   precursor             3  415.1974
## 3               3    415.1974   precursor             3  415.1974
## 4               3    415.1974   precursor             3  415.1974
## 5               3    415.1974   precursor             3  415.1974
## 6               3    415.1974   precursor             3  415.1974
##   IsotopeLabelType Condition BioReplicate                  FileName
## 1            light        NA           NA JD_06232014_sample1_B.raw
## 2            light        NA           NA JD_06232014_sample1_C.raw
## 3            light        NA           NA JD_06232014_sample1-A.raw
## 4            light        NA           NA JD_06232014_sample2_A.raw
## 5            light        NA           NA JD_06232014_sample2_B.raw
## 6            light        NA           NA JD_06232014_sample2_C.raw
##      Area StandardType Truncated annotation_QValue
## 1  147327           NA     False                NA
## 2 1373397           NA     False                NA
## 3   71765           NA     False                NA
## 4   66387           NA     False                NA
## 5  107736           NA     False                NA
## 6  380812           NA     False                NA

There are some column named differently than required input. The information for Condition and BioReplicate is missing. Let’s do preliminary check for this input.

# total number of unique protein name
## [1] 3097
# several isotopic peaks for peptide charge
## [1] precursor       precursor [M+1] precursor [M+2]
## Levels: precursor precursor [M+1] precursor [M+2]
# unique FileName, which is MS run.
##  [1] JD_06232014_sample1_B.raw JD_06232014_sample1_C.raw
##  [3] JD_06232014_sample1-A.raw JD_06232014_sample2_A.raw
##  [5] JD_06232014_sample2_B.raw JD_06232014_sample2_C.raw
##  [7] JD_06232014_sample3_A.raw JD_06232014_sample3_B.raw
##  [9] JD_06232014_sample3_C.raw JD_06232014_sample4_B.raw
## [11] JD_06232014_sample4_C.raw JD_06232014_sample4-A.raw
## 12 Levels: JD_06232014_sample1_B.raw ... JD_06232014_sample4-A.raw
# 'Truncated' column
## [1] False       True 
## Levels:  False True
# count table for 'Truncated' column
xtabs(~Truncated, raw.skyline)
## Truncated
##           False    True 
##     237 1256666     829
# count which 'Truncated' is 'True'
sum(raw.skyline$Truncated == 'True')
## [1] 829 Set annotation file

Annotation information is required to fill in Condition and BioReplicate for corresponding Run information. Users have to prepare as csv or txt file like ‘ABRF2015_Skyline_annotation.csv’, which includes Run, Condition, and BioReplicate information, and load it in R.

annot.skyline <- read.csv(file="data/data_Skyline/ABRF2015_Skyline_annotation.csv")
##                          Run  Condition BioReplicate
## 1  JD_06232014_sample1-A.raw Condition1            1
## 2  JD_06232014_sample2_A.raw Condition2            2
## 3  JD_06232014_sample4_B.raw Condition4            4
## 4  JD_06232014_sample1_B.raw Condition1            1
## 5  JD_06232014_sample1_C.raw Condition1            1
## 6  JD_06232014_sample2_B.raw Condition2            2
## 7  JD_06232014_sample2_C.raw Condition2            2
## 8  JD_06232014_sample3_A.raw Condition3            3
## 9  JD_06232014_sample3_B.raw Condition3            3
## 10 JD_06232014_sample3_C.raw Condition3            3
## 11 JD_06232014_sample4-A.raw Condition4            4
## 12 JD_06232014_sample4_C.raw Condition4            4 Common mistake for annotation file : Incorrect Run information

Raw file name in the output of spectral processing tool is commonly long. We can make a typo in annotation file. If Raw file name and Run information are not matched,

Let’s check whether Run information is same as File.Name in output of Skyline.

setdiff(unique(raw.skyline$FileName), annot.skyline$Run)
## character(0)
setdiff(annot.skyline$Run, unique(raw.skyline$FileName))
## character(0)

There is no issue in this annotation.

Let’s try the example with unmatched information.

annot.wrong <- read.csv(file="data/data_Skyline/ABRF2015_Skyline_annotation_wrong_example.csv")
##                          Run  Condition BioReplicate
## 1  JD_06232014_sample1_A.raw Condition1            1
## 2  JD_06232014_sample2_A.raw Condition2            2
## 3  JD_06232014_sample4_B.raw Condition4            4
## 4  JD_06232014_sample1_B.raw Condition1            1
## 5  JD_06232014_sample1_C.raw Condition1            1
## 6  JD_06232014_sample2_B.raw Condition2            2
## 7  JD_06232014_sample2_C.raw Condition2            2
## 8  JD_06232014_sample3_A.raw Condition3            3
## 9  JD_06232014_sample3_B.raw Condition3            3
## 10 JD_06232014_sample3_C.raw Condition3            3
## 11 JD_06232014_sample4-A.raw Condition4            4
## 12 JD_06232014_sample4_C.raw Condition4            4

Note! small details : hyphen vs underline. Common mistake for annotation file : Incorrect BioReplicate information

MSstats distinguish the design of experiment as group comparison, time course, paired design, with the combination of Condition, BioReplicate, and Run. Group comparison

In a group comparison design, the conditions (e.g., disease states) are profiled across non-overlapping sets of biological replicates (i.e., subjects). In this example there are 2 conditions, Disease and Control (in general the number of conditions can vary). There are 3 subjects (i.e., biological replicates) per condition (in general an equal number of replicates per condition is not required). Overall, in this example there are 2 × 3 = 6 mass spectrometry runs.

The most important is that 1) subject IDs for disease group are completely different thatn subject IDs for control group 2) Run is not order of spectral acquisition, but just unique MS run ID.

In addition, if each subject has e technical replicate runs (in general technical replicates are not required, and their number per sample may vary). there are 2 × 3 × 3 = 18 mass spectrometry runs. Time course

The important feature of a time course experimental design is that a same subject (i.e., biological replicate) is repetitively measured across multiple time points. In this example there are 3 time points, Time1, Time2, and Time3 (in general the number of times can vary). There are 3 subjects (i.e., biological replicates) measured across times (in general an equal number of times per replicate is not required). There are no technical replicates (in general the number of technical replicates per sample may vary). Overall, in this example there are 3 × 3 = 9 mass spectrometry runs. Paired design

Another frequently used experimental design is a paired design, where measurements from multiple conditions (such as healthy biopsy and disease biopsy) are taken from a same subject. The statistical model for this experimental design is the same as in the time course experiment, however the values in the columns of the input data may have a different appearence. In this example there are 3 subjects (in general the number of patients can vary). There are three conditions per subject (in general the number of conditions per subject can exceed two). Overall, in this example there are \(2 \times 3 = 6\) mass spectrometry runs. BioReplicate should indicate each individual ID. Preprocessing with SkylinetoMSstatsFormat

The input data for MSstats is required to contain variables of ProteinName, PeptideSequence, PrecursorCharge, FragmentIon, ProductCharge, IsotopeLabelType, Condition, BioReplicate, Run, Intensity. These variable names should be fixed. MSstats input from Skyline adapts the column scheme of the dataset so that it fits MSstats input format. However there are several extra column names and also some of them need to be changed. SkylinetoMSstatsFormat function helps pre-processing for making right format of MSstats input from Skyline output. For example, it renames some column name, and replace truncated peak intensities with NA. Another important step is to handle isotopic peaks before using dataProcess. The output from Skyline for DDA experiment has several measurements of peak area from the monoisotopic, M+1 and M+2 peaks. To get a robust measure of peptide intensity, we can sum over isotopic peaks per peptide or use the highest peak. Here we take a summation per peptide ion.

Here is the summary of pre-processing steps in SkylinetoMSstatsFormat function (in orange box below).

For further details, visit the help file using the following code.

# reformating and pre-processing for Skyline output.
input.skyline <- SkylinetoMSstatsFormat(raw.skyline, 
                                        removeProtein_with1Feature = TRUE)
## ** Proteins, which names include DECOY, are removed.
## ** Peptides, that are used in more than one proteins, are removed.
## Warning in SkylinetoMSstatsFormat(raw.skyline, annotation =
## annot.skyline, : NAs introduced by coercion
## ** Truncated peaks are replaced with NA.
## ** For DDA datasets, three isotopic peaks per feature and run are summed.
## ** 4 features have all NAs or zero intensity values and are removed.
## ** 13 features have 1 or 2 intensities across runs and are removed.
## ** All proteins have at least two features.
##            ProteinName             PeptideSequence PrecursorCharge
## 1 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST EGEVEPVDM[+16]YTPDTAADEEARK               3
## 2 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST EGEVEPVDM[+16]YTPDTAADEEARK               3
## 3 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST EGEVEPVDM[+16]YTPDTAADEEARK               3
## 4 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST EGEVEPVDM[+16]YTPDTAADEEARK               3
## 5 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST EGEVEPVDM[+16]YTPDTAADEEARK               3
## 6 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST EGEVEPVDM[+16]YTPDTAADEEARK               3
##   FragmentIon ProductCharge IsotopeLabelType  Condition BioReplicate
## 1         sum            NA                L Condition1            1
## 2         sum            NA                L Condition2            2
## 3         sum            NA                L Condition4            4
## 4         sum            NA                L Condition2            2
## 5         sum            NA                L Condition4            4
## 6         sum            NA                L Condition3            3
##                         Run Intensity StandardType
## 1 JD_06232014_sample1_C.raw   7863713           NA
## 2 JD_06232014_sample2_A.raw    977615           NA
## 3 JD_06232014_sample4_B.raw   4102785           NA
## 4 JD_06232014_sample2_C.raw   6547299           NA
## 5 JD_06232014_sample4_C.raw   3972464           NA
## 6 JD_06232014_sample3_B.raw   8896052           NA Preliminary check

## [1] 3027
## [1] 219
sum(!$Intensity) & input.skyline$Intensity==0)
## [1] 2414

1.6.2 MaxQuant output Read data

Three files should be prepared before MSstats. Two files, ‘proteinGroups.txt’ and ‘evidence.txt’ are outputs from MaxQuant.

# First, get protein ID information
proteinGroups <- read.table("data/data_MaxQuant/proteinGroups.txt", sep = "\t", header = TRUE)
# Read in MaxQuant file: evidence.txt
evi <- read.table("data/data_MaxQuant/evidence.txt", sep="\t", header=TRUE)
##  [1] "Sequence"                           
##  [2] "Length"                             
##  [3] "Modifications"                      
##  [4] "Modified.sequence"                  
##  [5] "Oxidation..M..Probabilities"        
##  [6] "Oxidation..M..Score.Diffs"          
##  [7] "Acetyl..Protein.N.term."            
##  [8] "Oxidation..M."                      
##  [9] "Missed.cleavages"                   
## [10] "Proteins"                           
## [11] "Leading.proteins"                   
## [12] "Leading.razor.protein"              
## [13] "Gene.names"                         
## [14] "Protein.names"                      
## [15] "Type"                               
## [16] "Raw.file"                           
## [17] "MS.MS.m.z"                          
## [18] "Charge"                             
## [19] "m.z"                                
## [20] "Mass"                               
## [21] "Resolution"                         
## [22] "Uncalibrated...Calibrated.m.z..ppm."
## [23] "Uncalibrated...Calibrated.m.z..Da." 
## [24] "Mass.Error..ppm."                   
## [25] "Mass.Error..Da."                    
## [26] "Uncalibrated.Mass.Error..ppm."      
## [27] "Uncalibrated.Mass.Error..Da."       
## [28] "Max.intensity.m.z.0"                
## [29] "Retention.time"                     
## [30] "Retention.length"                   
## [31] "Calibrated.retention.time"          
## [32] "Calibrated.retention.time.start"    
## [33] "Calibrated.retention.time.finish"   
## [34] "Retention.time.calibration"         
## [35] "Match.time.difference"              
## [36] "Match.m.z.difference"               
## [37] "Match.q.value"                      
## [38] "Match.score"                        
## [39] ""              
## [40] "Number.of.scans"                    
## [41] "Number.of.isotopic.peaks"           
## [42] "PIF"                                
## [43] ""         
## [44] "Base.peak.fraction"                 
## [45] "PEP"                                
## [46] "MS.MS.Count"                        
## [47] "MS.MS.Scan.Number"                  
## [48] "Score"                              
## [49] "Delta.score"                        
## [50] "Combinatorics"                      
## [51] "Intensity"                          
## [52] "Reverse"                            
## [53] "Potential.contaminant"              
## [54] "id"                                 
## [55] ""                  
## [56] "Peptide.ID"                         
## [57] "Mod..peptide.ID"                    
## [58] "MS.MS.IDs"                          
## [59] "Best.MS.MS"                         
## [60] "AIF.MS.MS.IDs"                      
## [61] ""
##  [1] JD_06232014_sample1-A JD_06232014_sample2_A JD_06232014_sample4_B
##  [4] JD_06232014_sample1_B JD_06232014_sample1_C JD_06232014_sample2_B
##  [7] JD_06232014_sample2_C JD_06232014_sample3_A JD_06232014_sample3_B
## [10] JD_06232014_sample3_C JD_06232014_sample4-A JD_06232014_sample4_C
## 12 Levels: JD_06232014_sample1_B ... JD_06232014_sample4-A

One file is for annotation information, required to fill in Condition and BioReplicate for corresponding Run information. Users have to prepare as csv or txt file like ‘ABRF2015_MaxQuant_annotation.csv’, which includes Run, Condition, and BioReplicate information, and load it in R. Set annotation file

Annotation information is required to fill in Condition and BioReplicate for corresponding Raw.file information. Users have to prepare as csv or txt file like ‘ABRF2015_MaxQuant_annotation.csv’, which includes Raw.file, Condition, and BioReplicate information, and load it in R. Raw.file column in the annotation file should be the same as unique Raw.file in evidence.txt file.

# Read in annotation including condition and biological replicates: annotation.csv
annot.maxquant <- read.csv("data/data_MaxQuant/ABRF2015_MaxQuant_annotation.csv", header = TRUE)
##                 Raw.file  Condition BioReplicate IsotopeLabelType
## 1  JD_06232014_sample1-A Condition1            1                L
## 2  JD_06232014_sample2_A Condition2            2                L
## 3  JD_06232014_sample4_B Condition4            4                L
## 4  JD_06232014_sample1_B Condition1            1                L
## 5  JD_06232014_sample1_C Condition1            1                L
## 6  JD_06232014_sample2_B Condition2            2                L
## 7  JD_06232014_sample2_C Condition2            2                L
## 8  JD_06232014_sample3_A Condition3            3                L
## 9  JD_06232014_sample3_B Condition3            3                L
## 10 JD_06232014_sample3_C Condition3            3                L
## 11 JD_06232014_sample4-A Condition4            4                L
## 12 JD_06232014_sample4_C Condition4            4                L Preprocessing with MaxQtoMSstatsFormat

MaxQtoMSstatsFormat function helps pre-processing for making right format of MSstats input from MaxQuant output. Basically, this function gets peptide ion intensity from ‘evidence.txt’ file. In addition, there are several steps to filter out or to modify the data in order to get required information.

Here is the summary of pre-processing steps in MaxQtoMSstatsFormat function (in orange box below).

# reformating and pre-processing for MaxQuant output.
# no protein with 1 peptide
input.maxquant <- MaxQtoMSstatsFormat(evidence=evi, 
## ** + Contaminant, + Reverse, +, proteins are removed.
## ** Peptide and charge, that have 1 or 2 measurements across runs, are removed.
## ** 282 proteins, which have only peptide and charge in a protein, are removed among 3157 proteins.
##   ProteinName        PeptideSequence PrecursorCharge FragmentIon
## 1      D6VTK4 EGEVEPVDMYTPDTAADEEARK               3          NA
## 2      D6VTK4    FYPGTLSSFQTDSINNDAK               2          NA
## 3      D6VTK4             IGPFADASYK               2          NA
## 4      D6VTK4          NQFYQLPTPTSSK               2          NA
## 5      D6VTK4           TFVSETADDIEK               2          NA
## 6      D6VTK4         TNTITSDFTTSTDR               2          NA
##   ProductCharge IsotopeLabelType  Condition BioReplicate
## 1            NA                L Condition1            1
## 2            NA                L Condition1            1
## 3            NA                L Condition1            1
## 4            NA                L Condition1            1
## 5            NA                L Condition1            1
## 6            NA                L Condition1            1
##                     Run Intensity
## 1 JD_06232014_sample1_B  87141000
## 2 JD_06232014_sample1_B  46167000
## 3 JD_06232014_sample1_B  45425000
## 4 JD_06232014_sample1_B  47094000
## 5 JD_06232014_sample1_B        NA
## 6 JD_06232014_sample1_B  62786000 Preliminary check

## [1] 2875
## [1] 40056
sum(!$Intensity) & input.maxquant$Intensity==0)
## [1] 0


  • Let’s check unique information for Run,BioReplicate and Condition in input.maxquant.
unique(input.maxquant[, c('Run', 'BioReplicate', 'Condition')])
##                          Run BioReplicate  Condition
## 1      JD_06232014_sample1_B            1 Condition1
## 30600  JD_06232014_sample1_C            1 Condition1
## 61199  JD_06232014_sample1-A            1 Condition1
## 91798  JD_06232014_sample2_A            2 Condition2
## 122397 JD_06232014_sample2_B            2 Condition2
## 152996 JD_06232014_sample2_C            2 Condition2
## 183595 JD_06232014_sample3_A            3 Condition3
## 214194 JD_06232014_sample3_B            3 Condition3
## 244793 JD_06232014_sample3_C            3 Condition3
## 275392 JD_06232014_sample4_B            4 Condition4
## 305991 JD_06232014_sample4_C            4 Condition4
## 336590 JD_06232014_sample4-A            4 Condition4

1.6.3 OpenMS output Read data

# First, read output of OpenMS
raw.openMS <- read.csv("data/data_OpenMS/ABRF2015_OpenMS_raw.csv", stringsAsFactors=F) # the data file
##            ProteinName PeptideSequence PrecursorCharge FragmentIon
## 1 sp|P09938|RIR2_YEAST    AAADALSDLEIK               2          NA
## 2 sp|P09938|RIR2_YEAST    AAADALSDLEIK               2          NA
## 3 sp|P09938|RIR2_YEAST    AAADALSDLEIK               2          NA
## 4 sp|P09938|RIR2_YEAST    AAADALSDLEIK               2          NA
## 5 sp|P09938|RIR2_YEAST    AAADALSDLEIK               2          NA
## 6 sp|P09938|RIR2_YEAST    AAADALSDLEIK               2          NA
##   ProductCharge IsotopeLabelType Condition BioReplicate Run Intensity
## 1             0                L         1            1   1 391797000
## 2             0                L         4            4  10 103656000
## 3             0                L         4            4  11 361107000
## 4             0                L         1            1   2 456756000
## 5             0                L         1            1   3 389268000
## 6             0                L         2            2   4 433488000 Set annotation file

The output from OpenMS already includes Run, BioReplicate, Condition information. Let’s check it.

unique(raw.openMS[, c('Run', 'BioReplicate', 'Condition')])
##    Run BioReplicate Condition
## 1    1            1         1
## 2   10            4         4
## 3   11            4         4
## 4    2            1         1
## 5    3            1         1
## 6    4            2         2
## 7    5            2         2
## 8    6            2         2
## 9    7            3         3
## 10   8            3         3
## 11   9            3         3
## 14  12            4         4 Preprocessing with OpenMStoMSstatsFormat

There are several steps to filter out or to modify the data in order to get required information. Here is the summary of pre-processing steps in OpenMStoMSstatsFormat function.

# reformating and pre-processing for OpenMS output.
input.openms <- OpenMStoMSstatsFormat(raw.openMS,
## ** 0 features have all NAs or zero intensity values and are removed.
## ** All peptides are unique peptides in proteins.
## ** 909 features have 1 or 2 intensities across runs and are removed.
## ** 698 proteins, which have only one feature in a protein, are removed among 2538 proteins.
## ** No multiple measurements in a feature and a run.
## Warning in OpenMStoMSstatsFormat(raw.openMS, removeProtein_with1Feature =
## TRUE): NAs introduced by coercion
## now 'input.openms' is ready for MSstats
##            ProteinName        PeptideSequence PrecursorCharge FragmentIon
## 1 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST EGEVEPVDMYTPDTAADEEARK               3          NA
## 2 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST    FYPGTLSSFQTDSINNDAK               2          NA
## 3 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST             IGPFADASYK               2          NA
## 4 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST          NQFYQLPTPTSSK               2          NA
## 5 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST           TFVSETADDIEK               2          NA
## 6 sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST         TNTITSDFTTSTDR               2          NA
##   ProductCharge IsotopeLabelType Condition BioReplicate Run Intensity
## 1             0                L         1            1   1  64757900
## 2             0                L         1            1   1  38852700
## 3             0                L         1            1   1  73225800
## 4             0                L         1            1   1  63139900
## 5             0                L         1            1   1        NA
## 6             0                L         1            1   1  58905300 Preliminary check for preprocessed data

## [1] 1840
## [1] 21962
sum(!$Intensity) & input.openms$Intensity==0)
## [1] 0
##     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12 
## 15560 15560 15560 15560 15560 15560 15560 15560 15560 15560 15560 15560


  • Let’s check unique information for Run,BioReplicate and Condition.
unique(input.openms[, c('Run', 'BioReplicate', 'Condition')]) 
##        Run BioReplicate Condition
## 1        1            1         1
## 15561   10            4         4
## 31121   11            4         4
## 46681   12            4         4
## 62241    2            1         1
## 77801    3            1         1
## 93361    4            2         2
## 108921   5            2         2
## 124481   6            2         2
## 140041   7            3         3
## 155601   8            3         3
## 171161   9            3         3

1.6.4 Progenesis output Read data

# First, read output of Progenesis
raw.progenesis <- read.csv("data/data_Progenesis/ABRF2015_Progenesis_raw.csv", stringsAsFactors=F) # the data file
##       X                  X.1    X.2              X.3              X.4
## 1                                                                    
## 2     # Retention time (min) Charge              m/z    Measured mass
## 3    16     52.5563333333333      2 501.781277638303 1001.54800234285
## 4    32             38.15255      2 474.251481407549 946.488409881339
## 5 11167     36.2224333333333      2  474.25154745893 946.488541984099
## 6    41              45.5598      2 371.731536419815 741.448519905869
##                    X.5               X.6    X.7       X.8           X.9
## 1                                                                      
## 2       Mass error (u)  Mass error (ppm)  Score  Sequence Modifications
## 3 -0.00255665715405939 -2.55269904358308      1 TANDVLTIR              
## 4 -0.00219111866147159 -2.31499251990099      1 VTDGVMVAR              
## 5  -0.0020590159006133 -2.17542139186367      1 VTDGVMVAR              
## 6 -0.00120309413080122 -1.62262402086192 0.9996   AGLNIVR              
##                    X.10
## 1                      
## 2             Accession
## 3 sp|P00549|KPYK1_YEAST
## 4 sp|P00549|KPYK1_YEAST
## 5 sp|P00549|KPYK1_YEAST
## 6 sp|P00549|KPYK1_YEAST
##                                                                                             X.11
## 1                                                                                               
## 2                                                                                    Description
## 3 Pyruvate kinase 1 OS=Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 \\ S288c) GN=CDC19 PE=1 SV=2
## 4 Pyruvate kinase 1 OS=Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 \\ S288c) GN=CDC19 PE=1 SV=2
## 5 Pyruvate kinase 1 OS=Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 \\ S288c) GN=CDC19 PE=1 SV=2
## 6 Pyruvate kinase 1 OS=Saccharomyces cerevisiae (strain ATCC 204508 \\ S288c) GN=CDC19 PE=1 SV=2
##                  X.12             X.13                   X.14
## 1                                                            
## 2 Use in quantitation  Max fold change Highest mean condition
## 3               False 1.23101575731737                      A
## 4               False 1.35108253622201                      B
## 5               False 1.25419527606242                      B
## 6               False 1.04868912680216                      A
##                    X.15               X.16             X.17
## 1                                                          
## 2 Lowest mean condition              Anova       Maximum CV
## 3                     C 0.0522715538027003 12.0175133289667
## 4                     A 0.0393818452091522 26.8776079679151
## 5                     A  0.253277920596793 27.2310093101224
## 6                     B  0.993981434364646 27.0631636013386
##    Normalized.abundance                  X.18                  X.19
## 1                     A                                            
## 2 JD_06232014_sample1-A JD_06232014_sample2_A JD_06232014_sample3_A
## 3      234646642.659118      246323351.490501       306102714.66799
## 4      179120293.733639      104309665.701784      136741892.392964
## 5      2233197.90782367       1134566.5998162      1574437.81004362
## 6      123797188.716029       122761256.64621      116107425.243685
##                    X.20                  X.21                  X.22
## 1                                           B                      
## 2 JD_06232014_sample4-A JD_06232014_sample1_B JD_06232014_sample2_B
## 3      257629531.217182      235779468.539422      236753257.546934
## 4      105011188.469111      182469696.644175      183285243.781685
## 5      1701362.72342001      2336796.51015815      1788630.29256942
## 6       63610598.879437      108255803.660911      108785457.069653
##                    X.23                  X.24                  X.25
## 1                                                                 C
## 2 JD_06232014_sample3_B JD_06232014_sample4_B JD_06232014_sample1_C
## 3      186699807.218591      242959514.796972      223435557.783206
## 4      162853464.030243      180957229.609825      186073547.948691
## 5      1932732.32106691      2274168.76697097       2182403.4051037
## 6      92469286.5619254      96974519.2450418      115737794.475905
##                    X.26                  X.27                  X.28
## 1                                                                  
## 2 JD_06232014_sample2_C JD_06232014_sample3_C JD_06232014_sample4_C
## 3      220456628.684641      197285091.954229      207473304.500931
## 4      163946644.909844      150247529.397207      176820166.306319
## 5       2040841.8048229      1497501.50492545      2156318.09540588
## 6      100428622.768589      109442962.863466      83998024.0208531
##           Raw.abundance                  X.29                  X.30
## 1                     A                                            
## 2 JD_06232014_sample1-A JD_06232014_sample2_A JD_06232014_sample3_A
## 3      244531299.931508      221199440.186087      277078923.760572
## 4      186665863.932395      93670533.1411598      123776414.130536
## 5      2327272.96336292      1018845.73758267       1425154.0840074
## 6      129012233.635811      110240142.001841      105098448.610706
##                    X.31                  X.32                  X.33
## 1                                           B                      
## 2 JD_06232014_sample4-A JD_06232014_sample1_B JD_06232014_sample2_B
## 3      213112377.670857       265826760.55748      265610928.042007
## 4      86865756.2312952      205723291.596601       205625739.64841
## 5      1407375.36397932      2634593.46237989      2006645.04833363
## 6      52618990.9526949      122051719.672593       122045231.85501
##                    X.34                  X.35                  X.36
## 1                                                                 C
## 2 JD_06232014_sample3_B JD_06232014_sample4_B JD_06232014_sample1_C
## 3      219812880.452275      242959514.796972      210648874.118526
## 4      191737150.420336      180957229.609825      175425002.929311
## 5      2275521.67817463      2274168.76697097      2057509.66730008
## 6      108869636.960823      96974519.2450418      109114396.746851
##                    X.37                  X.38                  X.39
## 1                                                                  
## 2 JD_06232014_sample2_C JD_06232014_sample3_C JD_06232014_sample4_C
## 3      207260386.701525      217212520.118758      194785326.277837
## 4      154133015.755399      165423774.187439      166006773.109084
## 5      1918679.71576989       1648761.5589421      2024448.99975338
## 6      94417098.3431607      120497608.498225      78861145.7987456
##         Spectral.counts                  X.40                  X.41
## 1                     A                                            
## 2 JD_06232014_sample1-A JD_06232014_sample2_A JD_06232014_sample3_A
## 3                     2                     1                     1
## 4                     1                     1                     1
## 5                     1                     0                     1
## 6                     2                     2                     2
##                    X.42                  X.43                  X.44
## 1                                           B                      
## 2 JD_06232014_sample4-A JD_06232014_sample1_B JD_06232014_sample2_B
## 3                     3                     2                     3
## 4                     1                     1                     1
## 5                     1                     0                     0
## 6                     2                     2                     2
##                    X.45                  X.46                  X.47
## 1                                                                 C
## 2 JD_06232014_sample3_B JD_06232014_sample4_B JD_06232014_sample1_C
## 3                     2                     2                     2
## 4                     1                     1                     1
## 5                     0                     1                     1
## 6                     2                     2                     2
##                    X.48                  X.49                  X.50
## 1                                                                  
## 2 JD_06232014_sample2_C JD_06232014_sample3_C JD_06232014_sample4_C
## 3                     3                     1                     2
## 4                     1                     1                     1
## 5                     0                     1                     0
## 6                     2                     2                     2

One file is for annotation information, required to fill in Condition and BioReplicate for corresponding Run information. Users have to prepare as csv or txt file like ‘ABRF2015_Progenesis_annotation.csv’, which includes Run, Condition, and BioReplicate information, and load it in R. Set annotation file

Annotation information is required to fill in Condition and BioReplicate for corresponding Run information. Users have to prepare as csv or txt file like ‘ABRF2015_Progenesis_annotation.csv’, which includes Run, Condition, and BioReplicate information, and load it in R.

## Read in annotation including condition and biological replicates: ABRF2015_Progenesis_annotation.csv
annot.progenesis <- read.csv("data/data_Progenesis/ABRF2015_Progenesis_annotation.csv", header = TRUE)
##                      Run  Condition BioReplicate
## 1  JD_06232014_sample1-A Condition1            1
## 2  JD_06232014_sample2_A Condition2            2
## 3  JD_06232014_sample4_B Condition4            4
## 4  JD_06232014_sample1_B Condition1            1
## 5  JD_06232014_sample1_C Condition1            1
## 6  JD_06232014_sample2_B Condition2            2
## 7  JD_06232014_sample2_C Condition2            2
## 8  JD_06232014_sample3_A Condition3            3
## 9  JD_06232014_sample3_B Condition3            3
## 10 JD_06232014_sample3_C Condition3            3
## 11 JD_06232014_sample4-A Condition4            4
## 12 JD_06232014_sample4_C Condition4            4

!! Run information should be the same as annotated in output of Progenesis. Preprocessing with ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat

The output from Progenesis includes peptide ion-level quantification for each MS runs. ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat function helps pre-processing for making right format of MSstats input from Progenesis output. Basically, this function reformats wide format to long format. It provide Raw.abundance, Normalized.abundance and Spectral count columns. This converter uses Raw.abundance columns for Intensity values. In addition, there are several steps to filter out or to modify the data in order to get required information. Here is the summary of pre-processing steps in ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat function (in orange box below).

# reformating and pre-processing for Progenesis output.
input.progenesis <- ProgenesistoMSstatsFormat(raw.progenesis, 
## ** Peptides, that are used in more than one proteins, are removed.
## ** Multiple measurements in a feature and a run are summarized by summaryforMultipleRows.
## ** 898 proteins, which have only one feature in a protein, are removed among 3913 proteins.
## now 'input.progenesis' is ready for MSstats
##             ProteinName       PeptideModifiedSequence PrecursorCharge
## 1 sp|A5Z2X5|YP010_YEAST              LTGNPELSSLDEVLAK               2
## 2 sp|A5Z2X5|YP010_YEAST RPAQLLL[N-term] nTerm+42.0106               2
## 3  sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST        EGEVEPVDMYTPDTAADEEARK               3
## 4  sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST           FYPGTLSSFQTDSINNDAK               2
## 5  sp|D6VTK4|STE2_YEAST                    IGPFADASYK               2
## 6  sp|O13297|CET1_YEAST                   IAGNAVGSVVK               2
##   FragmentIon ProductCharge IsotopeLabelType  Condition BioReplicate
## 1          NA            NA                L Condition1            1
## 2          NA            NA                L Condition1            1
## 3          NA            NA                L Condition1            1
## 4          NA            NA                L Condition1            1
## 5          NA            NA                L Condition1            1
## 6          NA            NA                L Condition1            1
##                     Run Intensity
## 1 JD_06232014_sample1_B 2550357.3
## 2 JD_06232014_sample1_B  865491.8
## 3 JD_06232014_sample1_B 3767734.3
## 4 JD_06232014_sample1_B 2591735.2
## 5 JD_06232014_sample1_B 2301483.1
## 6 JD_06232014_sample1_B  415181.8 Preliminary check for preprocessed data

## [1] 3015
## [1] 0
sum(!$Intensity) & input.progenesis$Intensity==0)
## [1] 418
## JD_06232014_sample1-A JD_06232014_sample2_A JD_06232014_sample3_A 
##                  9646                  9646                  9646 
## JD_06232014_sample4-A JD_06232014_sample1_B JD_06232014_sample2_B 
##                  9646                  9646                  9646 
## JD_06232014_sample3_B JD_06232014_sample4_B JD_06232014_sample1_C 
##                  9646                  9646                  9646 
## JD_06232014_sample2_C JD_06232014_sample3_C JD_06232014_sample4_C 
##                  9646                  9646                  9646


  • Let’s check unique information for Run,BioReplicate and Condition.
unique(input.progenesis[, c('Run', 'BioReplicate', 'Condition')]) 
##                          Run BioReplicate  Condition
## 1      JD_06232014_sample1_B            1 Condition1
## 10547  JD_06232014_sample1_C            1 Condition1
## 21093  JD_06232014_sample1-A            1 Condition1
## 31639  JD_06232014_sample2_A            2 Condition2
## 42185  JD_06232014_sample2_B            2 Condition2
## 52731  JD_06232014_sample2_C            2 Condition2
## 63277  JD_06232014_sample3_A            3 Condition3
## 73823  JD_06232014_sample3_B            3 Condition3
## 84369  JD_06232014_sample3_C            3 Condition3
## 94915  JD_06232014_sample4_B            4 Condition4
## 105461 JD_06232014_sample4_C            4 Condition4
## 116007 JD_06232014_sample4-A            4 Condition4

1.7 Save your work

We can save the data that we made so far.

save(input.skyline, file='data/data_Skyline/input.skyline.rda')
save(input.maxquant, file='data/data_MaxQuant/input.maxquant.rda')
save(input.openms, file='data/data_OpenMS/input.openms.rda')
save(input.progenesis, file='data/data_Progenesis/input.progenesis.rda')